Who can learn astrology?
People, having any of the following combinations and favorable aspects, can learn divination and be useful to the reporters.
1. Western scholars are of the opinion that Saturn and Moon give immense appetite to learn divination “ especially when they're in 1, 3, 9 or 1Oth Bhava (Houses). Saturn and Moon make the native sedulous, honest, patient, plodding and persisting all of which are essential to a prophesier.
2. Uranus has a special magnet to Divination. But success or failure depends on the other aspects which Uranus receives. It may make one exploration • scholar or a demoralized person with importance of egotism, whereas divination is meant further to subdue egotism.
3. Good aspects and connection between Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus help‘one to consider deeply. Judge duly and interpret rightly.
4. Mars’ salutary aspect to those globes gives the prophesier the argumentative faculty, the desire to succeed in the material field, and to lead in all hobbies.
5. Only when Moon and Mercury have harmonious aspects, one can have clear exposition, proper wording, good vocabulary and suspicion. Moon is called the mind. It's like a glass exactly reflecting the object. Mercury is for supreme intelligence, as it governs the central nervous system. It's like a lens. Thus, whenever these two globes either form or admit favorable aspects, they give high imagination, verbal capability, keen observation, intuitive perception, quick grasp, forgetful power, reproductive 28 capability, ignorance of speech and general success especially in divination. So, those who have strong Mercury will completely analyses, duly apply and rightly prognosticate.
6. Saturn and Mercury forming good aspect inone’s map give attention and depth of. study. The native will be exact, precise and regular. He'll be a good mathematician with capability in computations. He'll have important farsightedness, continuity and logic capability.
7. Venus conjoined with Uranus-can give one. the desire to learn divination. A many may have titlesconferred on them, if Venus and Uranus admit good aspects from Saturn, Moon and Jupiter.
8. Good aspect to Jupiter from other planetsremoves worries, and allows one to supplicate to God. Harmonious aspect of Mercury and Saturn is demanded for attention.
9. In Horasara, Prithuyasas says that the person at whose birth Moon occupies Cancer (Kark) will, be an prophesier. It doesn't mean that-all, Cancer born will learn, divination or at least have faith in divination. Then one is to combine the Western System of vaticination and find out the aspect that's being formed between the position of Moon at birth in. Cancer and that of Saturn, Mercury and Uranus in thechart.However, one will be perverted, If Uranus were “ to form adverse aspects withMoon.However, one will utter falsehood or whatever one tries to prognosticate won't come true, especially when the period one runs, If Mercury afflictsMoon. Moon tormented by Saturn doesn't allow one to concentrate nor will he have tone- confidence but be demure …
10. Vaidyanatha Dikshitha, in Jataka Parijatham, mentions that people born in the times Prabhava and Kalayukthi will be complete in divination. Also, those born in Sathayam or Satabhisha nakshatra and those born in shrimali will be best astrologer In Jodhpur. Then also, one is to take that all people born either in Prabhava or Kalayukthi time or Sathabhishak Star or Sakuna Karana, unless they've-good aspects among Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus, can not learn divination and prognosticate rightly.
11. Mahadeva, in Jataka Tatva, has said that people having Venus and Mercury in the 2nd or the 3rd house or,
.12. People having Mercury in 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 or 11th house or
13. People born in Gemini, having exalted Jupiter,-and
.14. Those who have the lord of the Alternate house in good strength will be best astrologer In Jaipur. Indeed though in the maturity of cases these rules will come true, yet, due to other evil aspects, a many may not have any desire to learn divination and a many may- indeed sport it due to the affliction.
Frequently wise people say,
.“ Gathanu Gathiko Lokaha Na Lokaha Paramarthikaha”
By that, they mean that one shouldn't blindly follow the rules expounded but take pains to find out-the verity and understand their spirit. Thus, it's necessary for one to take all these into consideration to find out whether the planetary aspects are salutary to learn divination and also decide who can make the stylish use of it by consulting learned and wise astrologers.
Divination is, no doubt, mysterious and recondite. It deals with the relation of the Globes in the Welkin. and the circumstances on the Earth.
(1) The scholars of divination have to acquire sufficient knowledge in astronomy.
( 2) They've to be good in abecedarian mathematics. They ca n’t go to commit any mistake at each in their computations.
(3) They should be able of preparing the horoscopes directly using the correct Ephemeris.
( 4) They've to study colorful books on divination published by scholars and also the original bones proffered by our pundits.
(5) They've to suppose, suppose and suppose, analyses, understand the spirit of the rules, apply and eventually come to a conclusion.
( 6) Fulfilled and unfulfilled prognostications are to be recorded.
(7) when a vaticination comes true by espousing certain principles, one has to follow the same. “ Frequently people approach my Practitioner and express their difficulties.”
( 8) Also, one is to find out what revision is. demanded for such a system which failed. One need not be discouraged by failures to start with. No, child can, run a race without falling down many a time while trying to walk in immaturity. No cyclist by himself learnt cycling without any scrapes and bruises on his body. If any educated cyclist were to help him. while learning he may avoid injuries. So also, a Practitioner, by the side of the pupil who predicts, will guide and correct him whenever necessary. This gives zeal to the pupil as he comes out successful.
(9) Study circles and astrological groups are to be formed to bandy colorful problems and clear dubieties.
( 10) One has to prognosticate after completely understanding the pollee’s disposition. There are some who don't like to hear wrong. Indeed in similar cases, the prophesier should mention the wrong but express it in a veritably mild form. Doesn't a croaker give sugar- carpeted capsules to the case who dislikes bitter drug. He gives the drug alright; but doesn't allow him to feel the bitterness.
The prophesier shouldn't guess. But he should retain the power of correct judgment-and interpretation. He should have a good vocabulary and should use applicable words. Suspicion has to play its part for which devotion to God, and prayers without any disturbance are demanded. The Prophesier should enjoy peace of mind and be above want. He should have no worries at all. To be a leader among‘astrologers, one should be suitable to argue, move and establish the correctness of his prognostications.
It's for the public to certify whether bone is an suitable prophesier or not; whether one can offer astounding prognostications or not. It's unsuitable of an prophesier to boast himself as an expert except on similar occasions, when it may be absolutely necessary to produce faith in others and impress upon them what he wants to convey, an prophesier shouldn't be overbold; he should be calm; should apply correct principles, follow numerous styles, and give clear suggestions. He shouldn't exaggerate dataetc.; else, he invites trouble latterly. He should noway forget his limitations.
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